personal loan can be good option if you need money for large expenditures or unforeseen costs. However, getting personal loan might be difficult due to lot of paperwork, different bank policies, and extra requirements. Our mission at Juneja Credits is to make it easier for you to get personal loan when you need it, so you can take care of emergencies or meet other financial obligations. Collateral and guarantees are not required when applying for personal loan. The interest rates are little bit higher because the loan is unsecured. In order to make sure that repaying the personal loan won’t provide any problems down the road, it’s critical to fully comprehend all of its terms and circumstances. Considering your present earnings, bank records, and

FAQ Questions

The only way to determine which loan offer to apply for is to carefully research the different choices. You can judge which deal fits your financial condition and needs once you have a clear understanding of the deals and schemes available.

You may apply for a personal loan in many ways. You can apply directly online on the website of the bank/ NBFC, or you can go to the branch to apply for a personal loan in person; go through websites for online comparison, or you can contact a direct sales agent. CreditMantri will instruct you on how to boost your score in the most reliable and efficient way so that your personal loan application is accepted if you want to apply for a loan and think your credit score may not be good enough. You will also be matched with the most relevant loan deals on the market for you. You will have easier and hassle-free credit access with a decent ranking.

Personal Loan repayments are done through monthly EMIs over the tenure of the loan. You can find the best EMI that fits your budget using a personal loan EMI calculator.

Again, it depends on the lender. While some lenders allow foreclosure with pre-closure charges others require you to pay the loan as per the agreed tenure. So, make sure to check the prepayment terms and conditions while applying for the loan.


(Principal + Interest)